Improving Lives Through Technology



Training and Consults are available via teleconferencing. I can work with you no matter where you are in the world! 

Includes a 60 min session with me from any where in the world, a one page summary of the consult and I will review up to 15 minutes of video of your child using AAC.

Schedule now


My life purpose is to help people benefit fully from technology.

My products will allow you to change a life your life or a child’s life.

Through my consulting and training services, books and online course, you will learn to give a child or adult who is nonverbal a voice or allow a student to reach their full potential.

Are you confused about using iPads or tablets to help your child talk?

Are you a speech pathologist who works with kids?

Are you a parent who wants to help your child who has a speech delay?

Do you work in a school district and you need support with Augmentative Communication, Assistive Technology or Individualized Technology Plans?

I have solutions for you!!!

Consulting Services:

Independent Educational Evaluations (IEE)

Augmentative Communication (AAC) Evaluations and Assistive Technology Evaluations 

Training for Students, Staff and Parents

Individualized Technology Plans

Pricing starts at $500. I am willing to travel. Please contact me at for more information or 832-786-9359.

What is AAC?



I have written several books focused on speech therapy and Augmentative Communication (AAC). They are aimed at parents and speech therapists who work with children with speech and language disorders.

Talking With Tech: Solutions for Children and Adults Who Are Nonverbal by Betsy Furler

Talking With Tech: Apps for Speech Therapy by Betsy Furler

Learning With Tech: Apps for Kids From 0-6 By Betsy Furler

Online Course:

I offer an online course designed to help parents, educators and speech therapists new to Augmentative Communication (AAC). The course walks you through using technology (iPads, tablets, Tobii, PRC, eye gaze) to help someone who is unable to speak.

Go to this link to learn more:

About Me:

Betsy is the CEO of Communication Circles, a unique agency that provides consulting services to app developers and tech companies as well as direct services to people with disabilities utilizing tech solutions. Betsy is considered a thought leader in the use of technology and people with disabilities. She is a speech pathologist with 25 years of experience. She is an expert in the area of augmentative communication and a pioneer in the use of mobile applications with people with a wide range of abilities.  She has spoken at many national and international conferences on the use of technology and disabilities including SXSWInteractive, M-Enabling Summit, the International Society for Instructional Technology, and the Texas Computer Educators Association.

Betsy received a B.A. in Psychology and Sociology from Austin College in Sherman, Texas, and a M.S. in Communication Disorders from the University of Texas at Dallas. She holds a teaching certificate in the State of Texas and a Certificate of Clinical Competence from the American Speech, Language and Hearing Association.  Betsy is a member of the Association for Competitive Technology and the UX Professionals Association.

Betsy lives in Houston, Texas with her husband Eric and two sons, Henry and Sam. She loves bullet journaling and continuing her quest for optimal productivity and efficiency. She is on the executive board of the Athletic Association at Westbury Christian School and a volunteer on the Speakers Committee of the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo.


“Thank you so much for providing amazing therapy for my son! Since using the iPad he has become more engaged in his program.”

mother of a child with Treacher Collins Syndrome

“Thank you for going the extra mile to follow up with me on my child’s program. It’s great to know that services such as yours are out there for families like us.”

grandmother of child with autism

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Megan Fry: How a Child Who is Nonverbal Learns to Read: Phonics and Eyegaze/AAC

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My Elementary School Story with Eyegaze and AAC (Augmentative Communication) by Megan Fry

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Setting Goals for Your Child and Skyrocket Their AAC Use

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